
  1. This website is available only to accredited and institutional investors as defined under the laws of Singapore. By accepting the terms and conditions set out below, you warrant that you are an accredited or institutional investor as defined in the Securities and Futures Act (Cap 289) and will use the information contained in this website for informational purposes only.
  2. The issuer of this website is Eightstone Pte Ltd (“EPL”). The information contained in this website do not constitute an offer to buy nor a solicitation to sell an interest in any financial instruments or products, including (i) OCLANER FUNDS SICAV (ii) STRUKTURA S.A., SICAV-RAIF and (iii) STRUKTURA CAPITAL SPC, nor shall it form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever or be taken as investment, legal, tax or other advice.
  3. In making any investment or other decision, investors should be aware of the risk factors involved in the investment. Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested. It is advised that investors read the terms and conditions in the offering materials prior to making an investment decision. Investors should rely on their own independent examination of the merits and risks involved and seek independent financial, legal and tax advice before making a commitment to invest.
  4. EPL assumes no responsibility for the financial or other consequences arising from the subscription or purchase of securities described in this website. All investments involve risk and past performance is not a guide or reliable indicator of future performance and no guarantee is being made that similar returns will be achieved in future. Opinions included in this website constitute the judgement of EPL at the time specified and may be subject to change without notice, they are not to be relied upon as authoritative or taken in substitution for the exercise of judgement by any recipient and are not intended to provide the sole basis of evaluation of any investment strategy or financial instrument.
  5. OCLANER FUNDS SICAV / STRUKTURA S.A., SICAV-RAIF: This website provides information about the OCLANER FUNDS SICAV, an open-ended investment company with variable capital with multiple sub-funds, authorised as an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS). The Fund is registered with the Trade and Companies Register in Luxembourg and is regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). It also provides information about STRUKTURA S.A., SICAV-RAIF, an investment company organised as a “société anonyme” under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and qualifies as a reserved alternative investment fund.
  6. The Funds have appointed CA INDOSUEZ WEALTH (ASSET MANAGEMENT) as its Management Company and EPL as its Investment Manager. The Fund’s Subscription Application Form, Prospectus, Key Investor Information Document, the most recent annual and semi-annual reports may be obtained by contacting EPL, or at the Fund’s registered office at 5, allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, on request.
  7. Any offer or solicitation will be made only by means of delivery of the Fund’s offering documents upon request, and applications for the Fund will only be considered on the terms of the current prospectus. Investors should carefully review the Fund’s offering documents and obtain legal, financial and tax advice prior to any determination to invest in the Fund and undertaking any investment decisions with respect to the Fund.
  8. The Funds are not intended for distribution to, or by use by, any person in any country, including the United States, where the Fund is not authorised or registered for distribution.
  9. Shareholder Engagement Policy:  As part of our discretionary management services in respect of the Funds, who invests directly in shares of companies with a registered office in an EU member state and whose shares are admitted to trading on an EU regulated mark, the investment decision-making, monitoring and engagement activity is carefully undertaken by our portfolio managers for the purposes of managing our clients’ investments. As part of our investment selection process, we actively monitor and engage with companies to understand the environmental, social and governance factors vis-à-vis the financial returns of the companies. We also consider the corporate governance arrangements the companies have in place and their effectiveness.
  10. This website contains information obtained by EPL from sources deemed to be reliable by EPL. However, EPL does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information and expressly disclaims liability for any errors or omissions or from the results obtained from the use of such information.
  11. This website is the property of EPL and is protected by copyright. Any reproduction of this website or any part thereof is strictly prohibited without EPL’s express prior written consent.